Contact // Kontakt // FYI

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, inquiries or something like that you're welcome to contact me. I'll attempt to get back to you within 24 hours. Feel free to use my design, codes and pictures, just as long as you're referring to my blog, It's also possible to contact me through my social media channels if you're up for it. And that's it I guess. Can't wait to hear from you.

If you'd like to sent me chocolate, flowers or a handwritten letter, it can also be done. Just use this address:
Tanja Lee Dalsgaard
Pakkeboks 3827
2200 København N

If you have some photos, documents or other files, you think I should see, You can send them to my email, which you may also use for general inquiries.

Otherwise it's fine to simply use the contact form to your right :-)
What should I call you?

How do I get back to you? *

And what's on your mind? *

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